File Transfer Protocol (FTP), is one of the most popular methods of transferring website files between a computer system and a server. Using an FTP client like FileZilla, you can make a connection to your hosting account and drag & drop files or whole directories in either direction and the software itself will do the rest. There’re a number of pluses of using FTP, among them the possibility to restart a download/upload when there is a problem with the connection or the ability to have different FTP accounts. Thanks to the latter option, you can set up FTP users that can connect only to certain folders in your hosting account, but no other folders, e-mails or other info, which makes it the ideal option especially when you need to grant a web designer access, for example. You can also use an FTP account with popular web design apps such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver and upload the websites that you’ve created straight from them, without the need to resort to third-party software.
FTP Accounts in Shared Hosting
You will be able to set up as many FTP accounts as you like with any of the Linux shared packages that we’re offering, since we have decided not to limit this service. Thus, you can manage multiple Internet sites all at once or provide other persons with access to multiple folders. As soon as a specific task has been fulfilled and you do not want that individual to be able to access your web files any longer, you can modify the password for the FTP account in question or you can simply delete that account with several clicks of the mouse and quit worrying about someone using it again. The Hepsia Control Panel, which is offered with all shared web hosting packages, will permit you to check the full list of the active FTP accounts listed alphabetically. It takes just one single click to administer various options for any of them – to modify the password or the access path, to download an auto-config file, etc.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages are truly powerful, which makes them ideal for hosting an extensive number of sites. Speaking of which, we’ve chosen not to put a limit on the number of FTP accounts that you can create, so you can have a different account for each site that you host on our semi-dedicated servers. All FTP accounts will be displayed in alphabetical order in the corresponding section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is included with each and every semi-dedicated server account. For each of them, you’ll be able to see the access path and to update it, if needed. Furthermore, you can set up the account in an FTP client of your choice by downloading an auto-configuration file and installing it on your computer system, which will save you time. If you have never opened a hosting account previously, you can watch our in-depth how-to video clips, which are available in the very same Control Panel section.
FTP Accounts in VPS Hosting
With a virtual private server from us, you’ll have the possibility to create an unlimited number of FTP accounts to access your web content. This is valid for all VPS configurations, irrespective of the Control Panel that you have chosen during the server order procedure – cPanel, Hepsia or DirectAdmin. Depending on your necessities, you can set up a separate FTP account for each site or a number of accounts with access to a specific folder – in case you wish to allow different people to be able to access that folder using their very own set of log-in credentials. Even if you have never opened a hosting account before or in case you’ve only used a shared one, you will not have any difficulties creating, removing or modifying any FTP account on your machine, as everything’s done through an intuitive graphical interface and takes only a couple of clicks of the mouse.