We have made a number of Advanced Applications that can be found for you for free using our Exellence Hosting Site Control Panel! They are meant for web designers and for website owners that want to maintain their website hosting setting on their own. You can quickly generate an .htaccess file, replace the PHP build for your own cloud hosting account, alter the php.ini file, configure diverse automatic chores and scripts, and much more!

All Advanced Applications adhere to the design pattern of our Site Control Panel, which makes them very user–friendly and uncomplicated.

Hotlink Protection

Secure yourself from bandwidth theft

Whenever you produce genuine content there’s always somebody that will try to make use of without having your approval. It is true simultaneously to textual content and also photos. That’s usually where the Hotlink Protection tool included in our Site Control Panel will truly assist you. With only a mouse–click, you will secure all photos on your site by preventing other websites from linking to them.

Using this method, not only will you avoid other people from stealing your pictures, but you will also ensure that you adhere to your monthly data traffic limit.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Computerized creation of .htaccess files

Thanks to the .htaccess file, you can quickly manage your site – configure redirections, establish security password guarded directories, and much more. In the Exellence Hosting Site Control Panel, it’s easy to set up completely new .htaccess files by making use of the effective .htaccess Generator.

You don’t have to know a single thing regarding .htaccess files so as to operate the .htaccess Generator. Just indicate the modifications you wish to make employing the tool’s easy–to– navigate interface and it will automatically create the needed code on your behalf.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Prevent malicious IPs from your site

Inside of the Exellence Hosting Site Control Panel we have integrated a really practical tool that allows you to reduce the ability to access your web sites by obstructing unique IP addresses. While using the IP blocking tool, you’ll be able to stop an IP address as well as a whole array of IP addresses from being able to view your website. To determine which IP addresses produce the ’bad’ site traffic to your website, you should check out the Stats Manager.

All of the IPs are impeded right away and nobody will be able to view or gain access to your site from them anymore.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Change the PHP rules for your website

The Exellence Hosting Site Control Panel provides you the alternative to quickly customize the PHP release for use on your account. It is possible to select from earlier PHP releases to the newest stable PHP launch. We’ve formulated a simple to operate user interface that lets you alter the PHP build as frequently as you want. Then the edition you have chosen is going to be used right away.

Regardless of what PHP edition you decide on, you’ll have control within the php.ini file – the PHP configuration file for your account. It’s easy to modify a lot of common options, alter the total php.ini file or instantly return all adjustments and set things to their default condition.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Create automated scheduled tasks

If there is a report you need to run every day, or if there are a few automated tasks you’d like your web site to execute, then cron jobs are what you’ve been looking for. Within the Exellence Hosting Site Control Panel, it’s easy to generate and take care of various cron jobs. We have developed a very simple way for you to create a cron job. It requires less than a minute for any fresh job to get slated for execution.

Cron jobs are provided by each of our cloud hosting deals. Every single of them includes a distinct number of cron jobs. More cron jobs are sold as an update whenever you need.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Good way to safeguard all your files

Password protection is known as a solution to protect your website’s full content by using a password so that only a pre–defined group of people have access to it. For instance, you may want password protection if you’re in the process of designing your website and do not wish the search engines or others to view it before it is completely ready or whenever you want to generate an exclusive folder within your site with authorized access.The Password Protection tool packaged at the Exellence Hosting Site Control Panel can help you make this happen with merely a couple of mouse–clicks. You are the only person who knows the username and password necessary to sign in unless you share them with some other person.

The security password are going to be held in an encoded file format, so nobody will be able to find it or read it. You alone, as the web site owner are going to be able to alter it.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL re–direction with merely a couple of mouse–clicks

If you would like swiftly reroute your website to a new webpage or some other site, this can be done using our URL Redirection instrument. It minimizes the requirement to set up PHP redirects or create an .htaccess file. Just indicate the location you intend to point your website to and the tool will take care of the rest. Your site will be redirected instantly.

If you have to stop the redirection as well as have your website directed to the initial URL, that can be done with just a click.

URL Redirection